C.S.Lewis once said "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream". Whatever your goals or aspirations may be this year I want to wish you a happy and healthy new year!
We are still within the 12 days of Christmas though, between 25th December and 5th January. Some of you have already taken your Christmas decorations down but I have decided to keep mine up past 6th January until February, yes until 2nd February! 😊
Our medieval ancestors kept their festive adornments displayed until Candlemas on 2 February. The theory that it's bad luck to leave decorations up beyond the twelve days of Christmas is a modern take on tradition.
Falling exactly 40 days after Christmas, Candlemas was observed as the official end of Christmas. The day itself was a great feast day and is so called because candles intended to be used in churches during the coming year would be blessed that day. There were also candlelit processions followed by great feasting!
During the dark mornings and evenings in January i'm going to follow this older tradition and enjoy my own decorations until February 2nd, maybe you will join me?
See you then! Glenn 😊